So, I was uploading photos for last night's blog entries, when I was rudely disturbed by an obnoxious banging on my neighbor's door. The banging was immediately followed by a man frantically calling out my neighbor's name. This went on for probably 10 to 15 minutes, and, I must say, I was completely put out by the interruption in an otherwise quiet Friday evening.

I was just getting ready to be obnoxious myself, when I noticed an officer pulling into the parking lot RIGHT OUTSIDE OF MY KITCHEN WINDOW (when it was all said and done, there were two units here)!!!

Like the nosey neighbor that I am, I went down stairs and busied myself in the kitchen, which really, I needed to busy myself to get laundry done. Within minutes, the cop was flashing his flashlight in my kitchen window and motioning for me to come to the door.

Office J. Roberts said to me, with a very solemn look on his face, "Have you heard your neighbor moving around next door in the last few hours?"

Well, if I had a dollar for every time I've been asked that question ... no! Seriously! This is not the first time a police officer has come to my door and asked me that.

I don't know what it is, but I somehow manage to zone in on neighborhoods where police will come for frequent "visits." I don't get it ... it's got to be something about my magnetic personality or something.

"No, sir. I did see her earlier this evening, though."

"About what time was that?" Officer Roberts' voice got a bit hopeful. "It's approximately 8:30 now."

"Ummm ... I don't know ... the sun was still out. Maybe 5 or 6ish?" Meanwhile, I was starting to feel kind of sick to my stomach now.

"Okay, thanks. Can I get to the back of these units by walking around the building?"

"Yes. In fact, I can turn my back light on for you."

"No, no, not necessary. Thanks."

I'm not sure where the neighbor was ... but I just saw her walking into her apartment not more than 10 minutes ago, and she appeared to be of sound mind and body. However, I sort of want to kill her myself, now, because for the rest of the evening, I jumped at every stupid little noise in my townhouse, including my cat just breathing!


Megan said…
Yeah. Guess what? The idiot came back, but this time he only stayed and pounded for 5 minutes! Apparently, they've not heard of calling ahead. :)

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