This particular post will be of most interest to my father. The guy is OBSESSED with deer. OBSESSED, I tell you. I do believe my sister and mother would agree.

Well, dad, I did something today that, as I was doing it, I said out loud, "My dad would poop his pants right now!"

I went with a teaching buddy, Christy, to walk a 3-mile hiking trail at the Salato Wildlife Education Center ( This is your kind of place, Papa. They have, are you sitting down? They have a fenced in area where tagged bucks and does wander around within feet of you!!! Yes, dad, I said feet. I literally stood at the fence and watched them watch me with indifference.

Okay, the naysayers out there are going to say, "Well, big hairy deal. They were in an enclosure."

Except, check this!

Christy and I started walking into the trail area, and we met up with real, live, wild ones! Four of them!! And they are so used to people, that while we were tramping through the woods and talking loudly, they just stopped and sniffed us. I stood and talked to one, dad! She was, and I'm not exagerating here, within five feet of me.

Yes, I talked to one, and she just stood there watching me curiously, even after I said, "My dad would poop his pants if he could be standing here right now."

And then I said, "He will also kill me when he finds out I didn't bring a camera!" Yep, left that in the car ... with my cell phone, which we discovered might be a handy item to have when you are hiking UP Kentucky "hills" (feels more like mountains when you're asthmatic), and you happen upon a baby snake while you slip and slide on muddy, slippery, leaf-covered trails.

We walked the 3-mile Pea Ridge Loop Trail ( This is the little statement is on their website. It might have served me well, if I'd read it first: "This hike will be EXTREMELY STRENUOUS if you are suffering from asthma or a heart condition, bad knees, severe artheritis, or other condition which limits physical ability." I'd say it's strenuous! We had an added bonus of rain after we got started. So, those steep trails become steep, muddy, slippery treacherous trails, but then I always love a good adventure. Christy and I came out a muddy mess, and thank goodness, Christy told me to wear a pair of older shoes. They were are mess too, but what fun!

Bring your camera when you come down in November, dad. I'm so taking you out to check out the deer!


Anonymous said…
I can't imagine any body taking a hike like that and not taking a camera and cell phone for safety also hiking boots and walking stick. you will almost always see wild life up close and personal in a place like that!
Megan said…
I told Christy you would say almost those exact things. :) I suppose before I hit the Red River Gorge, I should invest in a pair of hiking boots and some walking sticks! Of course, Ann said that with my propensity to trip, Red River Gorge may not be where I should be. :)
Anonymous said…
Very true! when almost daily you hear on the news down there how someone has fallen over the edge of a cliff!

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