Result time from 2007 Black Cat Chase: 49:57.78
Result time from 2008 Black Cat Chase: 49:51.41
I'll take it! YIPPEE!!! And, I came out of it, without bodily injury, no pain that I feel the need to ignore today. Nothing.
Now, I will say, Christy was watching the time, and she said, I'd actually shaved a minute off of my time last year. I would be inclined to believe her more as the ladies taking our tear-offs off of our bibs were screwing everything up. So ... there you have it.
Here are some before and after shots that Christy and I took. You will notice that I'm bulked up ... two layers under my fleece due to a head cold I came down with middle of this week (thank you, report cards!).
Took this at the school parking lot. See the fantastic view of my truck in the background.
I'm rocking the stocking cap and my three layers of shirts!
Christy looks super official in her running grab.
Here we both are pre-race. We are ready! We are stretched out! We are going to beat the Black Cat!
Here I am, after the Chase, flexing my muscles and feelin' good!
Here we both are ... sweaty ... cold ... tired ... but lookin' hot ... YAY!
My next thing I'm really going to start training for is the Derby Mini-Marathon in April! We've got quite a HUGE team from school going over to Louisville -- it should be a great time.
Result time from 2008 Black Cat Chase: 49:51.41
I'll take it! YIPPEE!!! And, I came out of it, without bodily injury, no pain that I feel the need to ignore today. Nothing.
Now, I will say, Christy was watching the time, and she said, I'd actually shaved a minute off of my time last year. I would be inclined to believe her more as the ladies taking our tear-offs off of our bibs were screwing everything up. So ... there you have it.
Here are some before and after shots that Christy and I took. You will notice that I'm bulked up ... two layers under my fleece due to a head cold I came down with middle of this week (thank you, report cards!).

I'm rocking the stocking cap and my three layers of shirts!

Yes, Denise, I was thrilled that nothing went POP! :)