On my way to school this morning, I was listening to 2 DJs as they interviewed our Governor. Yesterday, she declared it NASCAR Day in Michigan in honor of the Michigan International Speedway and all the business that the track brings to Michigan each race season.

The DJs had just asked the governor what impact MIS has on the Michigan economy.

Her response? "Oh, wow! MIS brings in about 4 ... well, millions of ... well, I mean, they bring in more money that I could count each year!"

I visibly cringed in pain. Did none of her advisors give her that number prior to the interview? Or perhaps they weren't awake yet ... At any rate, that little ditty did nothing to help her credibility in the eyes of the public. That is why politicians pay advisors ... to help them talk intelligently about subjects, because no one can talk intelligently about everything ... thus the "more money than I can count" comment.

And it's stuff like this that has made me the jaded political follower that I am today.


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