Danger, danger, danger ... cool kitchen gadgets ahead. Keep all wallets, check books, and credit cards tightly tucked away in some undisclosed undergarment.

This should have been the warning sign as I entered the house of a woman hosting a Pampered Chef party earlier this evening. The Pampered Chef consultant saw me coming, I'm here to tell ya. Within 15 minutes of my butt making contact with the seat, she whipped out the MIRACLE GADGET .... the GADGET OF ALL KITCHEN GADGETS ... the HOLY GRAIL OF GADGETS ... [drum roll, please] ... THE FOOD CHOPPER.

Well, that thing can dice -- it can chop -- it can mince -- it can slice, and, if pressed, it could probably do the dishes when it's all said and done.

"I have to have that," I turned and said to my sister, who, herself, was salivating with the glazed-over look of a crack addict. My mother was a goner the minute we walked through the door!

If that wasn't bad enough, the consultant unveiled her Julienne Peeler. Someone should have pointed to my prone body and shouted, "STICK A TEFLON-COVERED FORK IN HER, SHE'S DONE!"

Have I ever julienned anything in my life? Uh ... that would be a negative! But for some unknown reason, I was mesmorized by it's craftiness and the fancy, thin slices of zucchini and carrots. Never mind that I can't stand the taste of zucchini. I HAD to have that julienne peeler much like Carrie Bradshaw must have the newest Minolo Blahniks (this is a SEX IN THE CITY reference, for those of you not sure).

The three of us stumbled out of the house, dazed and delirious and with a few dollars less than we came with, but we are the proud owners of some pretty fancy kitchen crap!

I have to scoot ... I need to make a list of all the items I can chop, dice, slice and julienne!


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