c. July 2005, This is Ann and my mom. They decided it would be a real hoot to pose in front of a grave stone. It was a real hoot, too. Okay, so we are a warped family. So what!? This is the best spot in town to view the 4th of July Fireworks. In the left part of the background, you can see "Little Red," my Dakota truck. It's named Little Red, because I christened my dad's big red truck, BIG RED.
c. July 2005, This is Papa and Ann. They are posing at the War Veterans Memorial at Riverside Cemetary. It's the best seat in the house for viewing the 4th of July Fireworks.
You won't see any photos of me here as I was covered in Poison Oak at the moment of picture-taking and just not photo-worthy. It was pretty frightening.