Driving to a discount grocery store in a neighboring town, I drove past the county fairgrounds and was briefly transported to Civil War times. The county seat is hosting a Civil War muster, and I gotta tell you, it is just a little disconcerting watching a Yankee soldier climb into his Chevy 4x4 to chat on his cell! General Jackson is rolling in his grave somewhere, I'm quite sure, not only because the misguided fellow is driving the wrong kind of truck, but who stops in mid-battle to tell the wife, yes, he will pick up some milk on the way home?

Even more disconcerting is having a cannon go off near you. Beyond the initial impulse to duck for cover, I thought I could hear the distant of call of charge from the bugler. Eerie ...

I stopped to get a Jamochaccino ... a yummy concoction of all the wrong things for your body: espresso, ice (the only thing of any redeemable value in the drink), whole milk all blended with chocolate, caramel and whipped cream! Of course, what would an enjoyable Jamochaccino experience be without some of it dripping out of the container and falling squarely on one of my boobs! Yes, the t-shirt I was wearing was fresh out of the laundry ... and a good one to boot! AND one of my favorite flip-flop t-shirts ...

Speaking of flip-flops, yes, I am obsessed, but that is a subject for another blog. In the meantime, I realized this morning that I have a fantastic tan ... on my feet! Yes, that's right, a tan on my feet. Apparently, the time spent out on the playground at recess has afforded my feet some tanning time. I have some pretty decent flip-flop lines as well. Ah! Summer!

Priscilla Presley is in my little ole town today ... in fact, she's probably here right at this very moment. Yep, she's gracing us Midwestner schmucks with her ... well, pretty scary prescence as she helps dedicate a drug treatment/rehabilitation center that has just opened up in town. Have you seen that woman recently? She's a poster child, I'm afraid, of what not to have done when going under the knife for plastic surgery. As I made my way out of town on my little jaunt this morning, I passed by the facility (it's really rather fancy) and witnessed the set up for the festivities. Big doings in such a little town. I couldn't help but wonder, "what must that woman think of this little podunk place?" Then it occured to me, "her face looks like it was cinched back by a giant rubber band. What do we care what she thinks?"

Finally, I saw protesters protesting ... what else but the Iraqi War. Somebody was waving a rainbow-colored flag while others sported different sorts of anti-war propoganda on various posters. I wonder if it was purposely timed for the Civil War muster? And then it occured to me, some things never change, and I guess that's what makes this country so great ... we all have an opinion and have the freedom to state those opinions out loud and in public places ... and whether any of us like to admit it or not, that freedom was guaranteed to us by a few, proud, brave individuals willing to scarifice a life not yet lived for the rest of us.



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