It has happened again, and I can't help but think that the ED Departments of all 50 states get together and see how convoluted they can make the hoops we must all jump to apply for a teaching license. The tests I took that I was told would be valid in all the other states that require them (to the tune of almost $300) are not the tests Kentucky requires their teachers to take! On top of which, I have to $50 to get the license ... and I most assuredly will have to go through the whole fingerprint hassle ... AGAIN ... AND I can't find anyone in my alma mater to certify that I went there and took the classes I took!
WHY IS THIS SO FRICKIN' HARD!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!
To insult to injury, the State of Michigan is hassling me over Unemployment. Does it matter that on any given day, I can walk into any grocery store and watch some one buy a block of cheese with their food stamps, and then take the change to go buy $300 worth of Lotto tickets???? And they are hassling me because I want to keep a roof over my head and my car?
WHY IS THIS SO FRICKIN' HARD!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!
To insult to injury, the State of Michigan is hassling me over Unemployment. Does it matter that on any given day, I can walk into any grocery store and watch some one buy a block of cheese with their food stamps, and then take the change to go buy $300 worth of Lotto tickets???? And they are hassling me because I want to keep a roof over my head and my car?