I made it back to Kentucky without much adventure, save for this little guy to the left here.
Why on earth would I include him in my blog? Well, because he and about 25 of his closest friends were my traveling companions today!
In my hometown, this time of year, these little guys come out in droves. They are nuisances more than anything because they seem to procreate by the nanosecond.
Besides going home to see family and friends, I was also going to bring back with me some of the things that just didn't make it on the moving van, i.e., the AMAZON JUNGLE I had at my old house. Who knew I had so many house plants?!?
My parents kept most of my plants in the empty house, but some of them, they brought back to their house, currently over-run by box elder bugs. I dutifully packed them in my truck this morning, hoping upon hope that all the little dears stayed in Michigan where they seem to like it best. That hope was dashed about an hour after I left Albion, and the first one flitted into my lap.
If anyone hears of any box elder bug infiltrations along I-69, Indiana 9, I-74, 275, or 75 south, I know nothing!! It wasn't me that was constantly cranking her window down and tossing those cursed beings out into the elements or swerving all over the roadway when one flew near her face! No ... not me! As far as anyone is concerned, those stupid, little bugs migrated south for the winter.
Meanwhile, I didn't drag all the plants inside when I got home this afternoon. It was rainy, and I wasn't in the mood. So, I think the rest of the group is still partying down in my truck.
Why on earth would I include him in my blog? Well, because he and about 25 of his closest friends were my traveling companions today!
In my hometown, this time of year, these little guys come out in droves. They are nuisances more than anything because they seem to procreate by the nanosecond.
Besides going home to see family and friends, I was also going to bring back with me some of the things that just didn't make it on the moving van, i.e., the AMAZON JUNGLE I had at my old house. Who knew I had so many house plants?!?
My parents kept most of my plants in the empty house, but some of them, they brought back to their house, currently over-run by box elder bugs. I dutifully packed them in my truck this morning, hoping upon hope that all the little dears stayed in Michigan where they seem to like it best. That hope was dashed about an hour after I left Albion, and the first one flitted into my lap.
If anyone hears of any box elder bug infiltrations along I-69, Indiana 9, I-74, 275, or 75 south, I know nothing!! It wasn't me that was constantly cranking her window down and tossing those cursed beings out into the elements or swerving all over the roadway when one flew near her face! No ... not me! As far as anyone is concerned, those stupid, little bugs migrated south for the winter.
Meanwhile, I didn't drag all the plants inside when I got home this afternoon. It was rainy, and I wasn't in the mood. So, I think the rest of the group is still partying down in my truck.