Picture this ...

Coldest day on record, thus far ...

Wind ...

Clouds ...

One kid in Capri's and flip-flops ...

Five kids with only sweat shirts as "coats" ...

And one very, stressed teacher that lost her voice more and more, each time she opened her mouth ...

That was my FIELD TRIP DAY!

The fourth grade team took our kids to the Old Fort Harrod State Park, where everything on the premises was OUTDOORS. Never mind that it's going to be in the 60s Halloween night. Nope. Today, it was close to snow flurries.

As my father pointed out in an email to me earlier, I failed to look at my crystal ball.

The good news is that the kids had an absolute BLAST!! They loved every part of the day, despite the cold weather. They even loved the part when I was told to put my camera away because the flash ruins the archived items in the Mansion Museum. See, I knew this, but my brain went the way of my voice!

So, now, I'm heading home ... to get hot tea ... to find a quilt to wrap up in ... to sit and do NOTHING all night long!


Anonymous said…
Gotta love field trips! Especially good ones but they always stress me out.

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