I've lost my work keys ...

I haven't a clue where they are at. I've searched every where I can think they would be -- tops on the list was the pocket in my bag they ALWAYS go into when I'm done with them at the end of the day.

Gone. Nothing.

So, I'm wondering at what point I will need to fess up to my principal, and then, subsequently shell out the money for new keys?


Big Red said…
I'm going to get you one of those retractable key things you can hang on your belt . :-)
Megan said…
Elly Gilbert said…
Girl, if you would stop with the wild and crazy drunken weekends, you might remember where you lost your keys.
Elly Gilbert said…
Take a page from my book. I don't need keys because I no longer have a knob on my door. It fell off two weeks ago and needs a new kit to repair it, but said kit hasn't arrived yet. OH, well....

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