The Blue Bottle Club
By Penelope J. Stokes
I wasn't sure what to think of this book, when I first started reading it. The premise definitely grabbed me and got me interested, but then, when I read the book flap, I realized that it was written by a Christian writer. Lest you think I'm an awful person, I just shy away from Christian writers, as a genre, as most of the books tend to be over the top sappy, and I just don't like over the top sappy.
However, this book surprised me. It got the message across without being either sappy or over the top.
The author, Penelope J. Stokes, took each woman's story and made it a section of the book, which I liked. I think my most favorite story was Ellie's -- although, I have to admit, I related to Tish's story as well.
Over all, it was a nice, easy read. Nothing monumental ... nothing earth-shattering ... just a good, solid read.


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