My head is a wasteland of randomness. Seriously. Ask anyone. Ask my sister. She'll tell you. It's completely random up there.

Well, here. Let me just share with you what I'm talking about.

  • I wonder if they have ever lost someone in the Franklin County Justice Complex before? Every year, around my birthday, like so many other people in this great land, I have to pay a ridiculous amount of money to get a new, teeny, tiny little sticker that will go on my license plate and be a constant reminder that I just need to start biking to work. Every four years, I've got to get a new driver's license. This was that fourth year, and heaven help me, I had to make my way from the county clerk's office ... the place I KNOW how to get to ... to the driver's license office, where I don't have any clue, but where the girl in the clerk's office said was just a walk "down the hallway to your right and then it's the last door on your right." Only, the last door on your right was a stair way. Now what!?!? I really thought I was lost forever!
  • Have you ever wondered what your pet is thinking when they look at you? I wonder that all the time, mainly because when Emmy is looking at me, she is also meowing at me, and I sometimes think she's meowing things that aren't so nice, and man! I'd really like to know what those things are, if only for my own piece of mind.
  • How early is too early to eat lunch? I'm starving.
  • My birthday is on Sunday. I am throwing myself a birthday party, and I am super, way excited about it. I might even wear a tiara ... just cuz!
  • I want to treat myself to something nice like a massage, but I feel like I've got to treat myself because I've earned some sort of reward, and the only reward I can think of currently, that I deserve, is a BEST COUCH POTATO AWARD.
  • I'm midway through my 4th book of the year ... yay me!

And there you have it, folks. The randomness that prevails in my head ... and that's just a little snapshot.


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